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Drow Creation:Lairs

Caves, Caverns, Passages, Tunnels and Warrens

Whenever anyone looks at a map or ventures into Despise it appears to be a maze of winding tunnels and caverns. With this orientation it becomes extremely difficult to try and give or recieve directions and travel from one location to another in a timely fashion. The easiest way to change this is to actually "map" out the major caves, tunnels, and landmarks so that all Drow in Despise will have a better idea of location and direction. The first step involves evaluating the tunnels and passageways and breaking them down into primary, secondary, and tertiary passages.

Primary Passages and Caverns are those tunnels and areas that represent the main venues and those who travel on them have the greatest chance of encountering another character. These passages lead from the entrance to certain caverns within Despise that also see a higher amount of traffic. The two major points of interest within Despise are the Great Cavern and the passages that lead to it (this is where the Ogre Lords are encountered) and the pool where the acid elemental makes its lair. For the most part other characters won't be very interested in going to specific locations beyond these.

Secondary Passages and Caverns are those that run close to or intersect with the primary passages in Despise. Encountering another character in these is often an uncommon event unless they are Dungeon crawling.

Tertiary Passages and Caverns are those that are the farthest removed from Primary passages and may intersect with secondary passages. It is rare to encounter another in these tunnels, but it does happen from time to time.

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